以可靠服务客户, 负担得起的, clean energy has been the hallmark of our 100-year history. 我们的 今天清洁,明天更清洁® goal of providing 100% energy by 2045 demonstrates our commitment to a clean-energy future.
我们目前的 能源结构 has given us a great start on our path to 100% clean. We have plans to exit our remaining participation in coal-fired generation by the end of 2030. We also have interim targets for further reducing carbon emissions. 你可以在这里跟踪我们的进度. 您还可以查看 为商业客户提供排放信息.
*Projected, based on 2023综合资源计划
减少碳排放Carbon emissions intensity is a measure of the pounds of CO
2 emitted per megawatt-hour (MWh) of energy generated. It’s a helpful measure for tracking the impact of our efforts to reduce carbon emissions relative to growing power demand — one that we’ve measured and actively reduced since 2010.
- We started with a goal to reduce emissions intensity 10-15% from 2005 levels (our baseline year).
- We then increased it to 15-20% for the period of 2010-2020.
- We are working to reduce emissions intensity 35% for the period 2021-2025 from 2005 levels.
我们的平均CO2 emissions intensity for 2021 through 2023 from hg8868皇冠下载-owned generation sources was 837 pounds per MWh (837, 935, 739磅每兆瓦时, respectively) — representing a 30% reduction from 2005.
我们的 2023 carbon emissions intensity from all sources of our total 能源结构 was 640 pounds per MWh, 比2005年减少了46%.
The following chart/table shows our emissions intensity reduction from hg8868皇冠下载 generation sources over the past two decades.
淘汰燃煤电厂hg8868皇冠下载 is a joint owner of two operating coal plants. With upcoming anticipated coal plant retirements, 并且增加了可再生能源, we are poised to see impressive 减少 in both our total carbon emissions and emission intensity in the next 10 years.
- 俄勒冈州的博德曼工厂, co-owned by hg8868皇冠下载 (10%) and Portland General Electric (90%), 2020年10月停止燃煤运营.
- The North Valmy plant in Nevada consists of two generating units. hg8868皇冠下载 and plant co-owner NV 能源 have aligned on 2026 as the year to evaluate coal-to-gas conversion for both units. hg8868皇冠下载 exited coal operations at Unit 1 in 2019. If Unit 1 is converted to natural gas-operation, the company will have the option to participate in the conversion.
- The Jim Bridger plant in Wyoming is owned by hg8868皇冠下载 (one-third) and PacifiCorp (two-thirds). 在我们的 2023综合资源计划, hg8868皇冠下载 is scheduled to exit participation in coal-fired operations at Bridger by the end of 2030. Two of Bridger’s four generation units were converted to use natural gas in early 2024. Natural gas produces roughly half the carbon emissions of coal per megawatt-hour of electricity generated.
减排报告CO2 减排报告
hg8868皇冠下载 has been a leader in clean energy generation for over 100 years. 今天, more than half of our energy supply comes from carbon-free generation, including hg8868皇冠下载-owned hydro resources and the energy we buy through long-term contracts with wind, 太阳能, 生物质, 地热和小型水力发电机. 除了我们目前的低碳形象, 皇冠现金盘公司已经建立了短期, medium-term and long-term targets for further CO2 减少. 爱达荷州权力的 CO2 减少报告 outlines our carbon reduction goals in more detail.
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